
Are You a Good Friend? Top 10 Qualities of a Good Friend

October 28, 20224 min read

Are You a Good Friend? Top 10 Qualities of a Good Friend


There are certain things that friends need to allow that friendship to grow. You likely know that communication is key, along with support when life throws the tough stuff at you.


But have you ever done some self-reflection as to whether you’re a good friend? What are the qualities of a good friend? Let’s take a look at 10 of the most important qualities in a friend that most potential friends will look for, and to give you an idea as to whether you’ve been a good friend in existing relationships.


  1. Honesty


Honesty is a key component of any relationship. Your closest friends should be able to be honest around you without judgement, and vice versa. There should be a degree of frankness there depending on the situation, like when you have something stuck in your teeth or a price tag hanging off a new shirt. But it’s also about your delivery of that honesty in a way that respects your friend’s feelings when it really matters. 


  1. Trust


A relationship that exists only on a surface level hasn’t built up a solid foundation of trust, one of the most important qualities of a good friendship. A high level of trust is built up over time and the two of you proving to each other that information can be shared without judgement. It’s also important that you know you’re able to share things with your friend in confidence, and vice versa. 


  1. Generosity


This doesn’t mean you need to be giving your friends a cut of your earnings. Good friends are generous with their time, though, and generous with their feelings. When a friend needs you, you’re there for them, even if it just means spending time with them or talking through a difficult situation. Generosity can mean some sacrifice on your part, as well, as friendships grow when you make time for them to grow.


  1. Loyalty


You won’t always agree with everything your friend says or does, but you don’t have to. The two of you became friends for a reason, so one disagreement doesn’t mean the end of a friendship. There’s a degree of loyalty there. Even when you haven’t seen that friend in a while, you’re both able to pick up where you left off when you’re reunited. The connection is always there.


  1. Humor


A sense of humor and fun may seem like it shouldn’t top the most important qualities in a friend, but friendship should be fun. Even when times are hard, a friend should be there to lighten the mood or cut the tension, even distract you from whatever is going on. Finding humor in silly things or the same kinds of things can also allow you to connect.


  1. Dependability


A good friend is dependable, even when it’s inconvenient. You can count on them in good times and in bad, and call on them when you need them. They’re solid in stressful situations and responsive when you’re reaching out for a favor. That doesn’t mean you take advantage of their good nature. You give back by being a dependable friend yourself.


  1. Empathy


Empathy, or being able to understand where your friend is coming from, even sharing in their feelings, is a key component when it comes to good qualities in a friend. You don’t have to relate to your friend on every level, but you have to be able to be kind in times of difficulty for your friend. 


  1. Communication


Good communication skills aren’t only about being able to hold a conversation. It’s about your listening skills, too, perhaps even more important in a friendship. That means when your friend is talking to you, you aren’t thinking about something else or waiting for your turn to talk. You’re listening to your friend, so that when it’s your turn again, you’re able to add value to the conversation.


  1. Encouragement


Be the friend who has an encouraging word when times get hard, rather than a negative reaction. A good friend pushes you out of your comfort zone when you need that push. And when something amazing happens, a good friend is there to celebrate with you, as your success is their success in a way, and they’re your personal cheerleader.


  1. Authenticity


A good friend is honest with their own emotions, and able to be themselves around you. Around your best friends, you shouldn’t have to worry about putting on airs or pretending like you’re someone you’re not because you trust them enough to like you for who you are. You’re able to be your authentic self around a good friend, and expect that same authenticity back. 


Now that you’re ready to be the best friend you can be, it’s time to find some friends that share all of these qualities. Friender makes it easy to find friends that share your interests, and what you’re looking for in a friend. Download the app today!

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