
How to Make Your Friender Profile Stand Out

November 02, 20223 min read

Creating an online profile can be a bit intimidating; you’re never sure if what you say or what you put will scare others away or throw people off. After all, it’s not always easy to write about yourself without sounded self-centered, conceited, or (even worse) desperate.

Having a profile is all about putting your best foot forward and it’s where you can show others your fun, quirky, intelligent (or all of the above) personality. We know each and every one of you is unique and we want to make sure your profile reveals that.

So here are some tips to help you create a Friender profile that will stand out against the rest:

Say cheese!

In a recent poll done by Marie Claire, they found that 96 per cent of people would rather see a big, happy grin in a profile photo than someone not smiling. So make sure to put your best face forward and put up a pic of you cheesin’ your hardest!

Recent photos are the way to go

A simple rule to go by is that if a picture is over a year old, leave it in your album and off your profile. No one wants to meet up with someone and not know who they are because they don’t look like the person in the pictures on their profile! Accuracy is key.

Keep things short and sweet

No matter who you are, no one wants to read a person’s life story on their profile. You wouldn’t introduce yourself by sharing deep, dark secrets, right? So just keep things short and sweet and find out more about a person when your hanging out or enjoying an activity together!

Honesty is the best policy

Don’t try to hide your flaws or things your embarrassed about on your Friender profile! The whole point about it is to be yourself and show everyone exactly who you are. For example, if your trying to please everyone on the app by saying your interested in every hobby but actually aren’t, it’s just going to disappoint the other person you connected with!

Be as specific as possible

Don’t just write on your profile “I love food and wine.” If you’re a foodie, talk about your favorite meal. If you’re a traveler, talk about your favorite place you’ve been. Getting specific makes you come alive and makes you feel like a real person, rather than just an online robot.

Keep things positive

No one wants to hang out with a Debbie Downer, am I right? Finding a profile that says “I hate hanging out with rude people” isn’t doing that person any favors. Keep it upbeat and positive!

Show what your into, rather than just writing about it

Make sure to include pictures of you doing the activities or hobbies your into. For example, if you’re an avid hiker, why not put up a picture of you hiking your favorite trail? Or if you’re into cooking or baking, put up a few pictures of your masterpieces! Remember, a picture says a thousand words!

While Friender takes care of the introductions, it’s up to you to take care of the conversations! So make sure your profile stands out with these tips. Download Friender today!

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